Wikigreen 18-12-2020
Microsoft Office Word-rarely used functions
Place multiple Items on clip board at a time and paste them(CTRL+F3 and Ctrl+Shift+F3)
You can select multiple Items at a time and place them on clip board to paste them else where. Select a paragraph, image or table, Press CTRL+F3,. Select more paragraphs, images or tables in the same manner. Now go to the place where you want to paste these and press Ctrl+Shift+F3. Your selected material will appear in the order you selected them
Unicode of Indian Rupee Symbol
you want to write some amount of currency you may need the Indian Rupee
symbol. Now it is simple in Microsoft Word. The Unicode of Indian Rupee
symbol is 20B9. To insert it in text, type the Unicode 20B9, Press and
hold Alt key and then press X, The rupee symbol will appear
Microsoft Office has an inbuilt calculator, capable of performing basic mathematical calculations. First you
open Quick access toolbar in the Word Options and add calculate command. To perform a calculation Write the math string, select it and click calculator. The result will be shown in the status bar.
Change Case(Shift+F3)
Select the text and press hold Shift Key, now press F3. The case of the selected text will change. It will keep on changing as you press F3 again and again. Leave the shift key when desired change has taken place.
Change Text Formatting(CTRL+Space Bar)
Some times we import a snippet from a web page or from some other source which has a different type of formatting. To convert it select the text, press and hold CTRL Key and press space Bar.(Hyper Links may not be removed)
Vertical Text Selection(Alt)
You can select a vertical block in any document. Press and hold the Alt Key and select the desired vertical block.
Quick Triple click
Triple Click any where in the Paragraph and the whole paragraph will be selected.
Select Full Sentence(CTRL+Click)
Press and hold the CTRL key and click any where in the sentence, the entire sentence will be selected.
Start writing Any where on the page(Double Click)
To use the word page as plain white board, you can writr any ehere on it. Double Click the page and start writing.
Fast Moving(CTRL+F5)
While working on a large file you have edited at some places but you do not remember the spots where you edited recently. Press CTRL+F5 and word it self will take you to the text you edited.
Move text without Cut(CTRL+X) only one time(F2 and Enter)
To move a certain portion of text you need not to Cut+paste or Ctrl+X Paste. Just select the text to be moved press F2, Take the cursor to the desired place and press Enter. The selected text will be moved.
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Very Useful informarion